The 10 levels of guitar. This is a video where I slowly build up the difficulty of the song/riff just by changing my way of playing with the right hand. This is in no way me considering myself to be a 10/10 guitarist because something like that does not exist! Music can’t be measured and is nothing to compete with. In this particular percussive style this is a possible outcome when moving up the ladder.
You can buy the tabs here! Thank you for supporting my music!
If you're looking for learning guitar as a beginner or you haven't even picked up a guitar yet. I couldn't recommend Guitar tricks more , I've never had a teacher and learned everything online. The hard thing with learning from Youtube is that in the beginning, it's slow and frustrating (see what I did there;). No but really, it's just hard to know what tutorials to look for and to know your needs... Sign up for Guitar tricks 14 day Free trail and practice like you'd never done before. I learned most of what I now in the last two years, it's never to late guys (also I get a lot of money if you sign up oopsie)
If you're looking for purely Fingerstyle courses, I created a Fingerstyle Guitar Academy for you!
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