5 DAYS LEFT FOR NEW MERCH! http://www.tfoxbrand.com
Yesterday i was Honored to be Braeden's 1 single wish... Make-A-Wish Foundation is a 501 non-profit organization founded in the United States that arranges experiences described as "wishes" to children with life-threatening medical conditions... and His wish was to hang with me, so instead of a Normal Make a Wish Day, i took him Cliff Jumping, speeded around in my GTR, played on the trampolines, and went to the Beach for some fun and games!! Love you Braeden
Follow The CREW
Lindsay : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCKjMqPcAeuiKwaUYs6wBQBA
TFOX Signature Scooter Wheels! https://www.luckyscooters.com/pages/tanner-fox
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outro song! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o_cD8A1ZVJ8