To my best friend Nameless Horror, i'm finished to make this video for you my best friend! 😊 thanks for making me a request too! 😂 and you're so kind! 💕 i hope you like this! 😊
To those who hates me or saying dislike my video, i have to say, i don't care if you say "I hate you and i'll dislike your video" 😂 i don't care for your opinion b*tch? 😝 no one cares, you don't have to comment that you dislike my video or any rude comments, just QUIET! 😯 and don't complain why i'm making this video? Why? I only made this for my FRIEND! 😂 don't ever insult my video b*t*h! 😝 JUST get out of my f****** channel! I just kept laughing at your comments when you name-calling me and arguing with me 😂 you're stupid, they are bunch of kiddos watching this video and please for those who kept saying "I will never eat this chicken nugget anymore" CHILL! 😒 it's only a movie! Just forget it after you watch my video! 😂 and they spelled the words wrong jesus christ, i'm dying of wrong spelling 😂 why? you should spelled your words correctly, i bet you don't study so hard and your parents always complaining about your grades! 😂 You're just jealous because i have alot of freaking views and i think you're not gonna make this video like this and i have alot of likes 😂 kids these days, blah blah blah..i have so many letters to say all of my haters 😝 i don't have to waste my time on you, if you hate me, ignore me and we don't talk anymore 😏 YOU EAT SH*T 💩 and GET A LIFE! 😂👊🌵
Theme/Original Video: Zombie by Lucio Fulci: