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Video FTISLAND (FT아일랜드) - Take Me Now M/V

Ca sỹ: FTISLAND (FT아일랜드)

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FTISLAND 6th Album「Where’s the truth?」
Take Me Now M/V OPEN!

FT아일랜드, 한층 강렬하고 세련된 하드록 사운드로 음악색을 분명히 하다
FT아일랜드, 정규 6집 ‘Where’s the truth?’ 발매 - 타이틀곡 ‘Take Me Now’

밴드 FT아일랜드(최종훈 이홍기 이재진 최민환 송승현)가 한층 더 강렬해진 하드록으로 돌아온다.
FT아일랜드는 7월 18일 여섯 번째 정규앨범 ‘Where’s the truth(웨어스 더 트루스)?’를 발표한다.
자신들을 짓누르는 편견과 오해에 맞서 진실을 찾겠다는 의미를 담은 이번 앨범에는 FT아일랜드가 직접 전곡의 작사∙작곡에 참여했다.
또 전곡을 멤버들이 직접 프로듀싱해 밴드로서 자신들만의 확고한 색깔과 정체성을 피력한다.

‘스스로 해답을 찾아나가겠다’는 메시지를 담은 한층 더 강렬하면서도 세련된 사운드의 하드록 장르 타이틀곡 ‘테이크 미 나우(Take Me Now)’를 비롯해 멤버 전원이 보컬에 참여한 ‘원더풀 라이프(Wonderful Life)’와 ‘위 아(We Are…)’ 등 FT아일랜드의 과감한 도전을 담은 9곡이 수록된다.

2007년 데뷔곡 ‘사랑앓이’로 혜성처럼 등장한 밴드 FT아일랜드는 다양한 스타일의 자작곡과 폭발적인 라이브 무대로 국내외 탄탄한 지지층을 쌓아왔다.
특히 FT아일랜드는 2015년 전곡 자작곡으로 채운 다섯 번째 정규 앨범 ‘아이 윌(I WILL)’로 빌보드 등 주요 외신은 물론 국내외 평단 및 대중에게 음악성을 인정받았다. 확고한 음악적 정체성을 담아낸 FT아일랜드의 끊임없는 도전에 귀추가 주목된다.

FTISLAND Secures Their Musical Genre with an Upgraded Dynamic and Trendy Hard Rock Sound
FTISLAND’s 6th Studio Album “Where’s the truth?” Released – Title Track “Take Me Now”

Band FTISLAND (Choi Jong Hoon, Lee Hong Gi, Lee Jae Jin, Choi Min Hwan, Song Seung Hyun) Returns with an Upgraded Dynamic Hard Rock Sound. FTISLAND Releases Their 6th Studio Album Titled, “Where’s the truth” on July 18th.FTISLAND filled their new album with self-composed tracks in order to define the meaning of the album: finding what’s true by fighting prejudice and misunderstandings that are held against them.
The members of the band produced all tracks in their album to fully express their definite color and identity.

In addition to the title track, “Take Me Now,” which is a dynamic and trendy hard rock track which portrays the desire to “find one’s own way and answer,” the album is filled with many other distinctive tracks. Including the tracks, “Wonderful Life” and “We Are…” in which all members of the band participated as vocalists, the diversity in the tracks proves FTISLAND’s determination to challenge themselves as musicians.

The band has secured their fan base with their powerful live performances and diverse self-composed tracks, after successfully entering the music industry with their 2007 hit debut track “Lovesick.”
Along with earning respect from domestic mediums, FTISLAND also began to be respected as musicians throughout the world, by being introduced in Billboard for their 5th studio album titled, “I WILL,” which was also a self-composed album. Anticipation rises, as we look forward to FTISLAND’s continuous journey to find and reveal their own musical identity.

Teaser Site
Album Release 2016.07.18

#FTISLAND #FT아일랜드 #FT #에프티아일랜드
#6번째정규앨범 #6th_Album #Wheres_the_truth #Take_Me_Now #TRUTH #FALSE #160718
#최종훈 #이홍기 #이재진 #최민환 #송승현
#ChoiJongHoon #LeeHongGi #LeeJaeJin #ChoiMinHwan #SongSeungHyun


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