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Although she's one of the most respected and decorated actresses in Hollywood, Charlize Theron's career hasn't been without its hiccups. She's feuded with costars, snubbed other celebrities, and generated more than her fair share of tabloid headlines. Here's a look at the seriously shady side of Charlize Theron…
Ghost stories | 0:17
She feuded with Tom Hardy | 1:20
Her rivalry with Angelina Jolie runs deep | 2:03
She was sued for $20 million | 2:33
She squabbled with Tobey Maguire | 3:13
Spin control | 4:06
Read more here → http://www.nickiswift.com/75469/shady-side-charlize-theron/
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The Real Reason Alicia Keys Stopped Wearing Makeup
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Sketchy Things About Brad Pitt That Everyone Just Ignores
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