You have seen our epic "MOST DANGEROUS NERF MOD! (ROCKET FOOTBALL)" vlog and today we decided to rocket power things again and swap out our Nerf Vortex for an epic and dangerous Nerf mod football style. These Nerf Pro Grip footballs claim to be the farthest throwing footballs ever but Carter Sharer and I soon realized they didn't go far enough... so Carter and I decided to mod this nerf foot ball up and add a rocket to the nerf football and lets just say we might have added a little too much rocket power to this nerf mod! We tried to #DudePerfect things up and get the epic dudeperfect shot into the pond but well something went a little wrong... you gotta watch to find out. I hope you enjoy this vlog. #Nerf and stay awesome! 🤘😎
**Please keep in mind regular Nerf Guns and nerf items are generally pretty safe but we ended up supercharging our Nerf Football mod which made this nerf mod super dangerous so please DO NOT try this! #NERF and be safe!!! 🤘
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Nerf CycloneShock:
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2961 A Hunter Mill Rd
Oakton, VA 22124