The movie story deals with Vishwanath who has a daughter Nandini. To reach their professional goals, Vishwanath and his daughter travel to Switzerland, while Hanumantha Rao becomes a criminal lawyer and settles in India. Thus, Prabhas and Nandini get separated in their childhood. Years later, these old friends call for a reunion where a grown-up Prabhas is eager to see his love Nandini. But, another girl Nisha, daughter of local don, attempts suicide when prabhas doesn't accept her love. Her father tries to kill Prabhas and his friends but Prabhas gets out of trouble by faking a story about his childhood love Nandini. During the reunion at the farm house of Buchchaiah, Prabhas happens to see Nandini. He tries various tantrums to impress her, but in vain. His attempts are always thwarted by her brother. One day, he knowingly gives a lead about his sister's favorite game of basketball, forcing Prabhas and his team to create a basketball court. As they play basketball, in comes Rishi, as Appala Raju's son, who gatecrashes into the game as he is cheered by Nandini. Both Rishi and Prabhas vie with each other to impress Nandini, leading to a cold war between them. Meanwhile, Prasanna, daughter of Buchchaiah, confesses to Prabhas that she was in love with a man and she would marry him if she could pay a dowry of 5 million, and she forces Prabhas to talk to her father into marrying off her to her boyfriend. Prabhas is able to convince Buchchaiah about his daughter's marriage with the help of his father and his friends. Impressed by his managing skills, Nandini too begins to like Prabhas.