Welcome the Minecraft and Roblox's dirty grandpa; BROKE PROTOCOL! Imagine squarehead GTA, then divide it by drugs and guns :D
Broke Protocol: http://brokeprotocol.com/
Hackboi Discord: https://discord.gg/wtVDHA3
Facebook: http://bit.ly/294NQzL
Google+ : http://bit.ly/291A4wB
Snapchat: oompaville
Steam Group: http://bit.ly/2960fEH
Twitter: http://bit.ly/295Bg5f
Ironside Computers: Click here to customize your own PC http://ironsidecomputers.com
❱ eMBeaR: http://bit.ly/2g8fE8O
❱ Rifty: http://bit.ly/2g9pRFQ
❱ TheSwollenGamer: http://bit.ly/2fvN5SS
❱ 8-BitRyan: http://bit.ly/2ixx1Bw