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Video Best of Peanut: SKT new Jungler

Ca sỹ: mqTuna

188,124 Lượt xem

Mô Tả

I'm back with another montage. This time is for Peanut aka the new SKT jungler. I hope you guys enjoy it. If you have any remarks, feel free to leave me a comment. :)


K.Safo & Alex Skrindo - Future Vibes (feat. Stewart Wallace) [NCS Release]
Kevin MacLeod ~ Sneaky Snitch
Axol x Alex Skrindo - You [NCS]

Clips credits to SKT Replays:
"SKT T1 Peanut SoloQ playing Kha'Zix Jungle In Patch 6.24 | SKT T1 Replays"

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