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Video Most HAUNTED Islands In The World!

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Check out the most haunted islands in the world! From abandoned and haunted houses to other paranormal activity, this top 10 list of ghost islands is absolutely crazy!

#8 Corregidor Island
Corregidor island is a small island located in Manila Bay, in the Philippines. It is a famous tourist destination for people interested in history, especially military history, and also for people interested in ghosts. The island was first owned by the Spanish Government from 1570 until they lost the colony in 1898 when it was captured by the Americans. The US made it into a military encampment with now famous elaborate tunnel networks and fortifications, but they in turn lost it to the Japanese. The Island of Corregidor was the last obstacle for the Japanese army in order to use the strategic location of Manila Bay. Corregidor's defeat marked the fall of the Philippines and Asia. Over 11,000 Allied soldiers, mostly Filipino and American were sent to POW camps or were shipped to Japan as labor. In 1945, American troops led by MacArthur bombarded the island and thousands of Japanese soldiers sealed themselves inside the subterranean passageways and other caves and tunnels. As the attacks continued, in accordance with the philosophy of Bushido, the Japanese preferred to commit rather than surrender. It is said that Corregidor reverberated with many underground explosions for days afterward. There are many horrific ghost stories and those who are brave enough, can go into the Malinta Tunnel which is where most of it happened. There are several ghost tours offered at night where you can try to capture the spirits that roam through the tunnel complex. The old bunkers and hospital ruins are also said to be haunted.
#7 Star Island
Not this Star Island, but the Star Island located off the coast of New Hampshire has had many reports of hauntings and paranormal activity. Discovered in the 1600’s and then inhabited by local fishermen, the island has had everything from pirates to tragic over the centuries. It is now a resort town run by Star Island Corporation and the curator, Sarah O'Connor has shared many of the haunted stories, most famously regarding Cottage E.
Many of the people who have stayed at Cottage E have reported feeling mysterious forces or small hands on their back pushing them down the stairs. The story goes that Cottage E belonged to a family in the 1700s who lost their child after he fell off a cliff. Now the spirit of the child tries to pull on your ankles or push your back with his small hands so that you can join him. The curator herself has often heard people walking above her office and doors opening and closing when there is no one else around.
The Chapel is also said to be haunted. Many visitors have reported seeing three young sisters who abruptly died from Scarlet Fever in 1863 playing near their graves. Another sighting that is commonly seen is a black dog with red eyes standing in the mist far away, but when you try to get close, it will mysteriously vanish into thin air (like the Hound of the Baskervilles or something).
It still looks like quite a charming place to visit. Especially during the day. And hold on tight to the railing when you go down staircases.
#6 Hart Island
Another island known as “Island of the”, Hart Island is considered America’s largest mass burial site. Located near Long Island, over the years, it has had many uses and most of them for nothing good. Hart Island was first used as a prisoner of war camp during the American Civil and held 3,413 Confederate soldiers for four months. Over 200 of them there. After this, the island was used as a psychiatric institution, a sanatorium, a potter’s field, and a reformatory for delinquent boys. Ironically, Bobby Driscoll, the voice of Peter Pan in the Disney film is buried on this island, the same man who happened to play the role of a delinquent boy.
So how did Hart Island become the largest mass burial site in the US? Besides its dark past, it was also used as a dumping ground for bodies that weren't able to have a proper burial.
It is the largest tax-funded cemetery in the world and it is said that there are over a million unclaimed and unidentified bodies that have been buried there since 1868, when the island was first purchased by the city.
The Telegraph reports that over half of the bodies are said to be children under the age of 5 who died in local hospitals and there is only one unique marker on the island which marks the grave site of the first child who died in New York City and was buried in isolation. The island is also a disposal ground for amputated body parts. Over 1500 bodies are still buried on the island each year, buried by prisoners from Riker’s Island prison. #5 Okinawa Island

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