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Video Donald And Melania Trump's Most Cringeworthy Moments

Ca sỹ: Nicki Swift

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Ever since Donald Trump was sworn into office, the First Lady seems to have maintained a frown just as her fierce as her fashion. From dodging her husband's hand, to sequestering herself in her gold-encrusted New York City penthouse long after he moved to Washington, it's unclear if this first couple actually like each other at all. While she's private, dignified, and reserved, he's the kind of guy that boasts about groping women and antagonizes foreign dictators on social media. Sure, opposites attract, especially with millions of dollars on the line, but is that enough? These are Donald and Melania Trump's most cringe-worthy moments...

Over it: Inaugural edition | 0:36
Stop touching me: Israel edition | 1:26
Stop touching me: Rome edition | 1:55
Keep it professional: Maryland edition | 2:17
Full on PDA: White House edition | 2:52
Ice queen: West Wing edition | 3:20
Trouble in paradise: Adult film star edition | 3:58
Me time: State of the Union edition | 5:08
Trouble in paradise: Birthday edition | 6:09
Trouble in paradise: Staff edition | 6:56
Cracking a smile: Funeral edition | 7:48

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