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Video TuTiTu Toys | Phone

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TuTiTu - "The toys come to life" is a 3D animated video series for toddlers. Through colorful shapes TuTiTu will stimulate the children's imagination and creativity. On each episode TuTiTu's shapes will transform into a new and exciting toy.

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In this episode: TuTiTu creates a phone. Educational watching: teach numbers by challenging the toddler to identify the numbers on the phone dial. For an extra challenge, ask the toddler to also call out the color of each number. Learn while having fun!


Production & Animation: Twist Animation Ltd.

Production Designers: Tal Gamliel, Yossi Dahan

TuTiTu'S Theme Song: Lyrics: Sarit Ido Schechter, Music: Sarit Ido Schechter and Tal Gamliel

Musical Arrangement: Uri Kariv

Vocals: Yael Shoshana Cohen

Sound engineering: Gil Landau

Dubbing Studio: Videofilm International

Category: Toys, Home
Icon: Toys
Package: 0_3xhqqg5l

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