Weekly films of me (Kluna) & Charlie the Venus Flytrap. Charlie loves to eat Fish, chicken, pizza, watermelon, soup, sushi etc
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Planta carnívora Venus atrapamoscas
نبات لاحم فينوس صائدة الذباب
Fleischfressende Pflanze Venus Fliegenfalle
Smoke plants smokable plant weed cannabis
Хищные растения Венера мухоловка
Roślin mięsożernych Muchołówka amerykańska
노바의 muscipula 식충 식물 금성 파리통
Plante carnivore Dionée
Etobur bitki Venüs flytrap
Vleesetende plant
Cây Ăn Thịt Cây ăn thịt Venus cửa máy bay
Pianta carnivora
The Atlantic mackerel (Scomber scombrus) is a pelagic schooling species of mackerel found on both sides of the North Atlantic Ocean. The species is also called Boston mackerel, or just mackerel.
The Atlantic mackerel is by far the most common of the 10 species of the family caught in British waters. It is extremely common in huge shoals migrating towards the coast to feed on small fish and prawns during the summer.
Atlantic mackerel are sought after for food either cooked or as sashimi and consist mostly of red meat with a strong taste desirable to some consumers. The fish is extremely high in vitamin B12 as well as omega 3 (a class of fatty acids) and contains nearly twice as much of the latter per unit weight as salmon. Unlike the King and Spanish species, Northern Atlantic mackerel are very low in mercury, and can be eaten at least twice a week according to EPA guidelines.[1][2] smoked
Mainly in Scandinavia and the United Kingdom, canned mackerel in tomato sauce, brine, or vegetable oil is sometimes eaten with salad or in sandwiches.
Mackerel is an excellent source of phosphatidylserine, as it contains about 480 mg / 100 grams by weight. Phosphatidylserine is under investigation to mitigate symptoms of ADHD and Alzheimer's disease.