Top 10 criminal jobs you can do and make a lot of money doing it
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Let’s be clear here. No form of criminal activity is actually advisable. The reason that many of these statistics on various types of unlawful endeavors exist is because people tried them and got caught. But putting aside the chances of capture and imprisonment, there exists a pecking order for crimes that can be boiled down to the cold commerce of offering lucrative enough winnings to make the risk worthwhile. Why gamble your freedom away for a $4,000 pay day as a bank robber when, as a high end jewel thief, an effective heist can net hundreds of thousands of dollars.
There is a logical methodology behind what makes certain illegal jobs more profitable than others. The more nuanced, technical and skill-oriented the job and the more people you can manage to influence, the more money that will likely be made available to you. Sure, you may have to get your hands dirty through some low level jobs on the way up, but once you’ve committed to a life of crime, you probably already had some idea of what you were getting yourself into. While accurate information on the net earnings of high-income criminals is understandably hard to come by, sufficient data has been published to highlight 10 facets of criminal activity that have been known to nicely line the pockets of those stealth enough to avoid capture.
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