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Video AMAZING Discoveries That Prove Giants Actually Existed!

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Check out these amazing discoveries that prove giants actually existed! From real giant skeletons to other mysterious and unexplained discoveries, this top 10 list show some of the biggest discoveries in history!

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10. Lake Delavan, Wisconsin
On May 4, 1912, The New York Times reported a shocking story from Lake Delavan, Wisconsin, stating that 18 giant skeletons had been uncovered. These giant skeletons were found in ancient effigy mounds of baked clay and charcoal. While this information is quite fascinating, the number and how they were found, is not the most surprising part of the New York Times report. The most shocking part of this story is that these skeletons ranged from 7.6 ft to 10ft! These skeletons were quite different from ours and the skulls were much bigger than the heads of any type of person who lives in the US today. It was also reported that they had double rows of teeth. Other differences were the nose was set up farther, above the cheekbone line and the bone above the eye socket sloped straight back. The jawbone was said to resemble that of a monkey! While the giant skeletons held some characteristics of human skeletons, it was said they had six toes on each foot and six fingers on each hand. Was this another type of human species that may have lived among us in the past? Was it some sort of prank played by farm boys or scientists themselves? The answer is no, as you will see there are dozens and dozens of similar finds of giant skeletons. Why don’t we learn about this kind of stuff in school???
9. Death Valley Giants
In 2002, the Atlantis Rising, a magazine about ancient mysteries and unexplained anomalies, recounted a news story originally written in August of 1947 by the San Diego Union.
The news story goes that in 1947, Howard E. Hill, an archaeologist from Los Angeles, California brought together a group of men in for a meeting. At this meeting, Hill revealed that several mummified skeletons had been uncovered and taken from underground tunnels and caves under Death Valley. Hill said he first heard about these caves from Dr. F. Bruce Russell, a retired Ohio physician, who first stumbled upon several underground tunnels and caves underneath Death Valley in 1931. However, it wasn’t until a year later that Dr. Russell returned to these underground tunnels with colleague, Dr. Daniel S. Bovee to open the tunnels. Once inside, the men discovered several giant skeletons. These giant skeletons, which were about 9 feet tall, were covered in medium sized jacket and trousers that stopped below the knee. The material resembled a gray sheepskin from an unknown animal. The skeletons were placed at about 80,000 years old. Howard Hill continued to tell the group that explorers believe they found a burial place for an Indian tribe. Hill told the group that the remains were to be analyzed by Dr. Viola V. Pettit of London, who did excavations around the Arabian Desert.
The remains of these uncovered giants are nowhere to be found and 1947 was the last anyone reported about these giants. Some say this was a joke. Even archeologists are afraid to go see for themselves if the Death Valley giants are fact or fiction for fear of being called gullible. However, it is also stated that the area where these skeletons were found is not inaccessible.
8. Grand Canyon’s City of Giants
On April 5, 1909, the Arizona Gazette published an article that G.E. Kinkaid, an archeologist of the Smithsonian Institute had found the remains of an underground Grand Canyon city while rafting down the Colorado River. S. A Jordan, a professor, joined forces with the Smithsonian Institute for a thorough examination of this city. Upon further examination, the news story says that a tomb of mummies was found. It is reported that no mummy was under 9 feet tall and they were all wrapped with dark linen. According to Kinkaid’s report, he stood one of the mummies up and took a picture of the mummy by flashlight, however, this picture has never been found.
Some people call this a hoax as no evidence, other than the article in the Arizona Gazette, proves that such a find ever occurred. Several people have contacted the Smithsonian, to which they have publicly responded that they have no record of the Grand Canyon finding or even of a G.E. Kinkaid or S.A. Jordan ever working for or with the Smithsonian.

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