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Disney's DARKEST Business!(Pinocchio)► https://bit.ly/2v2MaWo
SUBSCRIBE for More Film Theories! ► http://bit.ly/1dI8VBH
My Hero Academia tells us that All Might had no Quirk before he received One For All - except that's NOT TRUE. All Might HAS a Quirk of his own! Today Theorists I am going to expose All Might's ORIGINAL QUIRK to the world!
SAO the MOST EXPENSIVE GAME EVER?►► https://bit.ly/2qPRsTg
Pickle Rick ACTUALLY WORKS!► http://bit.ly/2F0lCFL
Moana's SECRET Identity REVEALED! ►► http://bit.ly/2F7bnmy
How Much is YOUR SOUL Worth? (FMA)►► https://bit.ly/2GModbr
Disney LIED to You! ►► http://bit.ly/2C8BGaM
DON'T Attack The Titans! (Attack on Titan) ► https://bit.ly/2GNx34t
Like the theme song and remix for this episode? Thanks to CARF! https://www.youtube.com/user/carfmobile
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