We're transporting you back in time now Food Tubers to when Jamie turned 30 and took a road trip through Italy cooking all the way. Most of it made it's way onto TV but this little gem has been tucked away ever since. Here he is in Sicily cooking pasta and learning from the masters. Need we say more?
If you like this one let us know and we'll dig some more never-seen-before crackers to share just with you.
What's your favourite Italian food guys? Anyone from Sicily out there who can tell us why your food is just so good?
Links from the video:
Sea & Mountains with Gennaro | http://goo.gl/Qf86bQ
More Food Tube videos | http://goo.gl/R3m06m
Bibelots | First Babylon | http://goo.gl/r5WgNj
Brightlight City | Shortcuts | http://goo.gl/IAT5Ap
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