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Video MYSTERIOUS Creatures Living At The BOTTOM Of The World!

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Check out these mysterious creatures living at the bottom of the world! From scary deep sea monsters to bizarre animals living at the mariana trench, this top 10 list of creatures living in the deep ocean will give you chills!

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10. Deep Sea Starfish
There are more than 2,000 known species of sea star, ranging from those that you find in rock pools to those that you’d see on a coral reef- but amongst the most bizarre ones that have been found are those that live deep below the waves.

9. Glass Finger
This strange species of sea sponge that lives in deep waters are called Glass Fingers. Apart from looking like glass, their name actually comes from the way that their skeletons are formed.

8. Deep Sea Spider
If you’re not too fond of spiders around your home, then these next creatures will show you how lucky you are to live on land! Spiders of epic proportions do live among us and grow to huge sizes of the coast of Antarctica.

7. Acorn Worm
Acorn worms can live anywhere from the shoreline to over 3000 meters (10,000 ft) deep. They are very unusual creatures. There are actually only less than 100 known species of Acorn worm, and most varieties grow up to 1.5 feet long.

6. Barreleye Fish
If you didn’t know any better, you might think this fish was some kind of aquatic robot used to spy on submarines during the cold war! The Pacific barreleye fish is an extraordinary creature that lives deep in the ocean’s waters.

5. Giant Isopod
The Giant Isopod is another creepy creature that lives at the bottom of the sea. Related to pillbugs, it’s not actually a bug. It’s a carnivorous crustacean that crawls around the deep sea floor looking for food- from the remains of creatures that have fallen to the depths, or slow moving, living creatures like sea cucumbers and sponges, that it’s able to catch up to.

4. Dragon Fish
The deep sea dragonfish, also called the Barbeled Dragonfish, is a family of fish that are found in the deepest parts of the ocean around the world. In all, there are nearly 300 different known species, each of which have their own unique characteristics.

3. Mariana Snailfish
The ability for scientists to explore the deepest parts of the ocean has improved significantly in recent decades, which has led to a number of unmanned research missions to the deepest known place on Earth!

2. Sleeper Sharks
Sleeper sharks are very rarely seen by ocean researchers. They are known to live in the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans and grow to up to 23 feet (7 meters) long and weigh up to 1,958 pounds (888 kg). A discovery in 2016 completely changed the way these creatures are understood.

1. Devil Worm
All of the other animals on this list live in the ocean, since they provide much more habitable environments than are available underground, and far more research has been done in the water because it’s easier to access.This final one, though is the exception.

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