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What's the downside to being one of the most beautiful women on the planet? Well, besides the hours spent dieting, working out, being spray-tanned, taped, waxed, curled, and costumed... Behind the glitz and glamour, being an Angel's a lot of hard work!
Pre-show prep | 0:14
Measuring up | 0:45
Sweating it out | 1:09
Making the cut | 1:46
Representing | 2:51
Heels for days | 3:18
Sticking it | 3:32
Smoke and mirrors | 3:47
Hunger pangs | 4:22
Read more here → http://www.nickiswift.com/20761/truth-victorias-secret-model/
Celebrity Makeovers
Celebs Who Were Unrecognizable After A Makeunder
Bizarre Beauty Routines Of The Rich And Famous
The Truth Behind Mama June's Major Weight Loss
Amber Rose Looks Nothing Like She Used To
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Elvis Presley's Granddaughter Is All Grown Up
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