Fun Gun Gear Presents: The MAGPUL B.A.D. Lever (Battery Assist Devise) for the AR-15/M4 Rifle System. Great for super quick bolt closure and handling malfunctions. A great addition to your AR-15 Rifle platform.
MAGPUL Website:
OK... I said I don't like putting a lot of accessories on my rifle. Maybe I need to rethink that statement : ) List of additions:
Magpul BAD Lever
Magpul MOE Stock
Magpul MBUS Rear Flip up Sight
Magpul P-Mags 20rd and 30 rd
AB Arms Mod 1 Handguard
AB Arms Accessory Rails
AB Arms EXO Nickel Boron Plated Bolt
Trijicon Reflex Sight
Ergo Magazine Well Grip
Battle Arms Development B.A.D. A.S.S. Ambi-Selector
Tapco Single Point Sling Adaptor
Tapco SAW Pistol Grip.
Tuff Grip Slip on Cover
Extended cocking lever on Charging handle.
I think that's about everything.... good thing I don't like too many accessories : )
Thanks for watching~ Sootch00