Undertale goes full 2D fighter in this AMAZING Undertale fangame! It's time to have Frisk / Chara fight Sans and complete their genocide! ... in 2D!
More Undertale fangames here - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL3oHCEYBmM_kG3xLY5sj1qUCcc7-bEn66
Game here - https://gamejolt.com/games/TBVEUnderFight/297443#screenshot-491254
Sans in thumbnail - https://treaklefurs.deviantart.com/art/Sans-577466765
Frisk in thumbnail - https://www.google.co.uk/search?rlz=1C1CHBF_en-GBGB755GB755&biw=1920&bih=974&tbm=isch&sa=1&ei=vBE4Wou2E4K9gAbNka6ABQ&q=undertale+frisk+genocide+png&oq=undertale+frisk+genocide+png&gs_l=psy-ab.3...30386.31625.0.31824.
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About: In this Undertale fangame, we rematch Sans in the 2D style fighting simulator! Will Frisk / Chara defeats Sans and complete their genocide? Or will Sans win and save the underground..?