Payday 2 "What? You Want Me to Dance?" Achievement. Scarface Mansion, One Down solo stealth. For this achievement you have to finish Scarface Mansion in stealth in less than 13 minutes on Mayhem difficulty or above. Of course I did it on One Down.
Maybe this doesn't count as a real speedrun ...I was not aiming for a world record or something. I'm not the fastest player and I know many people can do this way faster but you still have to be very fast to complete this heist in less than 13 minutes.
Maybe I'll try this again and do it even faster with a little bit more risk ^^
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➤ More Payday 2 solo speedruns:
➤ Build:
At the beginning of the video!
➤ Mods:
Hidden Content Updates (the old menu screen)
Free Flight Camera Mod (for the intro)
Custom FOV
➤ Weapons:
Primary: Cavity 9mm
Secondary: The Judge
➤ Songs:
Short part before Intro: Alternative Analysis 2 - Patrik Almkvisth
Intro: Mangled Sector 3 - Johannes Bornlöf
Outro: The Balearic Dreamer 5 - Niklas Gustavsson
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Production Music courtesy of Epidemic Sound: