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Xxlaceylacexx is back in business! who doesn't know her videos?
Show her some luv and some support on her channel please!
I am a student, which means I'm still going to school 5 days a week, + I work hard in a restaurant to pay the bills. Since I love mixing oldschool songs, I can't stop doing that, so I have to make time for that too. That means I don't have much time for the other things I love and my friends. This message is ONLY for the people that can afford to help me.
If you are willing to help me out here, any donations would be appreciated
Paypal: [email protected]
Song name: Bang Bang
Artists: tupac shakur, Ice cube
Made by: Mimo , Mimotupac1992 ( me )
Beat: unknown
Follow me on fb : /profile.php?id=100004472958859
follow me on instagram: Mimotupac
All rights reserved to the true owners of the songs.
NO PROFIT Intended