McDonald's Happy Meals keep disappearing! Karate Kid follows the clues and figures out that the Happy Meal thief is McNinja of the McNugget Clan! McNinja explains that only those who have passed the 9 Trials of Fire are worthy to eat of the McDonald's Happy meal. Karate Kid attempts to pass all 9 trials to become a Ninja Nugget, but will she complete the final trial and become part of the clan or will she become McNinja's greatest rival? Watch to find out! Have a SuperHeroKids video marathon here
Annie Rose is McNinja! Check out Annie Rose channel here
Hope Marie is Karate Kid
Watch last weeks video when, Using his amazing Nerf Web Shooter toy trick shots, Can Noah save the world from Vulture's bomb? He's busy practicing his Dude Perfect style trick shots with his Nerf dart blasting and silly string slinging wrist shooters when Vulture attacks and captures him, threatening to throw him into the poismin and destroy the world with a bomb! Watch to find out if Noah defeats vulture!
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