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Video Why You Don't Hear About This Craft Star Anymore

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In the mid-'90s Fairuza Balk was the talk of the town, thanks to her menacing turns in The Craft and as the girlfriend to Edward Norton's American History persona. She also hit the mainstream with roles in Adam Sandler's The Waterboy and the disastrous adaptation of The Island of Doctor Moreau. But somewhere around the turn of the millennium, the actress disappeared from the spotlight. So what happened to the actress who'd thrilled and chilled on the big screen? Here's why we don't hear much from Fairuza Balk anymore…

Always the gloom girl | 0:28
Oddball antics | 1:25
Box office bummers | 2:19
Other avenues of artwork | 3:09
Abstaining from the fame game | 3:30
Time for a turnaround? | 4:21

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