I asked you what you wanted to see me put on a guitar in my support of Intel's Americas Greatest Makers and you all said FLAMETHROWER......so here's me putting it together.
Video of this and the bass in action out on tuesday.
To see more from Intel and America's Greatest Makers, click http://bit.ly/PH3YT
See the Bass being made here https://youtu.be/pSbI5_75BlM
First song is by "March to the grave" and is called "tonight" get it here
Second song is by "Freeze the Atlantic" and the song is "Idiot check"
More on the band here
Web Site: www.freezetheatlantic.co.uk
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/FreezeTheAtlanticUK
Facebook Page: www.facebook.com/freezetheatlantic
Label: www.ilovealcopop.co.uk