The 15 BEST Upcoming NINTENDO SWITCH Games in 2017 & 2018 | Most Anticipated Nintendo Switch Games of 2017
0:00 Super Mario Odyssey
0:57 The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
2:09 Seasons of Heaven
4:15 Super Bomberman R
4:40 Splatoon 2
5:30 RiME
7:29 Project Sonic 2017
8:38 Sonic Mania
9:21 Xenoblade Chronicles 2
10:01 Yooka Laylee
11:01 Mario Kart 8 Deluxe
11:34 Dragon Quest XI
14:54 The Sacred Hero
15:46 ARMS
16:29 Shin Megami Tensei Switch
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