Check out the most bizarre creatures created by science! From terrifying to amazing animals, this top 10 list of crazy creatures created by man is mindblowing!
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10. Spider-Goats
Wait, what?! After the inception of Spiderman in Marvel Studios, researchers at Utah State University and the University of Wyoming were inspired. They have successfully created a hybrid goat that spews out high contents of spider silk in its milk! Because that was something I was definitely missing in my life!!! We all know that the special silk gene found in spiders helps them form webs and catch their prey. Spider silk is believed to be really tough, and given its mass density, it is regarded to be even tougher than steel.
The scientists were hoping to find a way to harvest spider silk on a large scale since it actually could have many different useful applications. So the university researchers found a way to incorporate a harvested spider gene into a common goat’s DNA and hallelujah it worked! The goats’ milk was later tested and high silk protein contents were found in almost 70% of the specimens. This could lead to a new range of applications in the medical as well as the automobile industry. The material can absorb about three times its body weight and can be useful for manufacturing ligaments and tendons. It can also be useful for making airbags for cars and bulletproof vests.
From an ethical perspective, they say that this gene modification neither imposes any health hazards, nor any behavioral changes in the goats. We will have to wait and see...
9. Glofish:
The lights out on an “Earth Hour” definitely won’t stop your colorful Glofish from glowing! Too bad its genes won’t allow it. This fish was first mutated in 1999 by Dr. Zhiywan Gong, who along with his teammates, was working on a luminesce protein in Jellyfish. The team harvested this protein and injected it into a Zebra fish’s embryo. Why?? The main motivation behind this experiment was to design a fish that could detect the presence of toxins for quantifying oceanic pollutions. In theory these scientists were trying to do something good, but I am not sure about the ethical implications, that is up for you to decide. The experiment turned out to be a huge success, both scientifically and commercially. Aquarium enthusiasts loved them, and the Glofish became the first and only genetically altered animal to exist as a domestic pet on a large scale. This glimmering fish can be made in several bright colors and is the most popular children’s choice at a pet store. These fish are able to absorb light from their surroundings and then re-emit it which gives it that captivating glow. Also if you happen to have a power outage, an aquarium with a bunch of Glofish might be helpful in case you stumble around in the dark.
8. Sudden-Death Mosquito
Hate mosquitoes? You can’t kill them all, but you most certainly can stop them from multiplying. Scientists from British Biotech Company, Oxitec have developed a genetically modified mosquito that could be the end of viruses that cause millions of infections and deaths each year due to malaria, dengue, and all other kinds of diseases.. This new breed of mosquito produces flightless females and practically sterile males that either cannot reproduce or whose offspring die before reaching maturity.
Oxitec released the mosquitos with the altered deadly protein onto an island. The transfer of bad genes sometimes even killed the female mosquitoes before they could reproduce, resulting in an overall decrease in the mosquito population. Hence the name “Sudden-Death”. Death for them, not for you.
However, this experiment has been highly criticized by scientists and environmentalists who argue it is unethical to wipe out an entire species. There also might be huge negative effects on the ecosystem. What can be good about mosquitos? Who cares about them anyway? Well, according to Nature magazine, without mosquitos thousands of plant species would lose their pollinators and many animal species would lose their food source. However, it is very interesting that many scientists and researchers say that the niche would be filled quickly by other organisms and life might go on just as before, or even better!!!
The inventors of the sudden-death mosquito argue that this project would help humans fight off deadly diseases but it is very hard to say what the consequences to the global ecosystem might be.
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