Ah, you know what they say. A picture is worth a thousand words. Or, a thousand screams, perhaps? How lucky are we for the gift of photography paired with impeccable timing. Some of these photos might give you chills, and some might give you a fun story to tell your friends about. Here are 12 Nightmares Caught On Camera
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4.SeaWorld Surprise
Have you ever been to one of those SeaWorld type shows where they entertain you with dolphins and whales? Crowds marvel at the giant sea creatures as trainers make them perform multiple stunts. Often times, the trainers will even ride the backs of dolphins, catapulting them many inches out of the sea tank’s water and up into the air. These showman techniques always give the crowd a circus-like thrill , but they give off the false assumption that all whales and dolphins are our gentle friends. The animals are extremely intelligent and therefore easy to train, but that very same trait has a downside, as well. SeaWorld San Diego trainer Ken Peters faced a horrific situation in 2012, when killer whale Kasatka grabbed ahold of his ankle and wouldn’t let go. The sea beast toyed Peters through the water, dragging him many feet below the surface and then back up so that he could gasp for air.The force of Kasatka's incredibly strong jawbone was so strong that Peters’ anke was shattered right inside the tank. You’d think that the other trainers would swoop in to help their co worker, but they all had the knowledge that such maneuvers would only excite the whale and put Peters even more in danger. Luckily, he was able to make gentle “cooing” noises and whisper to the whale in order to get her to let go. As soon as she released him, he swam to safety, where he was met by a team of paramedics. This photo incident was a scary reminder that not all things appear as they seem, even if fanfare is involved.
3.Eye of the Storm
This photo might just remind you of the phrase “There’s no place like home” or “run for your life!”, depending on your tolerance for terror and thrill seeking. This is a screenshot from an amazing online video posted by stormchaser Reed Timmer in May of 2016. It may be one of the closest shots of an F4 tornado out there. The monster twister reached wind speeds up to one hundred thirty miles per hour and a diameter of four hundred forty yards. That means you could walk the length of four full football fields and STILL not conquer the full diameter of this sucker.
2.Goodnight Moon
Baby monitors are a godsend to a lot of new parents, but this video footage is not just a camera glitch. And babies definitely can’t jump that high. This is just a screenshot from a full video that can be seen on Inside Edition’s YouTube page, and in it you can see this tiny little boy doing what appears to be balancing acts on the edge of his crib, fully standing. His parents swear that the video is not a hoax, but we’re just not sold yet. You can see the baby reaching out into the air for something before stumbling back in the crib. It all just seems a little too crazy, but, who’s to say.
1.Clowning Around
Every once in awhile, a news story will come out that sticks with you for a few weeks to come. Enter this clown from Green Bay, Wisconsin. Unfortunately, this clown is not just waiting for his cab to come pick him up after playing a birthday gig. He was reported as ominously walking around the city streets at late night hours, uninvited. Seeing him around ten pm would be one thing, but he often walked the streets alone at two and three am. Police received multiple calls about his whereabouts, but seeing as it’s not illegal to dress as a creepy, ominous clown, there was nothing they could really do. So citizens were forced to wonder whether the clown was truly dangerous, or if he was just a bored guy looking to scare people.