Nouman Ali Khan is another articulate Sunni who is defending the fabricated hadith, which is the source of all sorts of endemic intellectual, political, economic and social problems afflicted 57 countries... I invite him to a face-to-face debate on this issue. Here are a few recommended reading:
For a few video debates and interviews, see here:
YAZLEB: Peace all, Here is a collection of Quran alone verses if you want to keep this with you or distribute it.These verses will help you in debates and showing people what Quran says about hadith and sunnah.
TRUEHİKMA: Edip brother, your destruction of everything followed by the bukharian hadith worshippers instead of only the Quran is highly commendable. However, when the same destructive, reasoned, analytical approach was used for your book, 19, Gods signature in nature and scripture, on ourbeacon website, you said you would respond but four years later they are still waiting. Is this a case of one group being challenged over their falsehoods by another with different falsehoods?
EDİP: I have for years responded all sorts skeptics and critics of code 19, hundreds of them... You can see a portion of those debates in my book Running Like Zebras (500 pages). I am tired of answering the SAME LAME criticism infected by ignorance, false assumptions, lies and falsehood. I will no more write the same answers over and over for those who do not read my criticism to the same... So, if you are confident that (1) your criticism is not refuted by me in Running Like Zebras (2) you have studied the code; and (3) you have a genuine criticism, then contact me for A VIDEO DEBATE. By God, the falsehood, ignorance, hypocrisy and lies will be exposed, as they have been since 1974.
TRUEHİKMA: Nouman says the Quran says "Whatever the Messenger gives you take it", which means we have to follow the Sunnah and hadith of Muhammad. He is wrong, why?
EDİP: Read the entire verse within its context. It is not about hadith, bukhari, tirmizi or numerous other fabricated stories, it is about DISTRIBUTION of WEALTH. He was an elected leader. He is no more leader. He is gone. His message is the Quran (25:30). God is alive and He is the teacher of the Quran (55:1). Peace.