If you've ever wanted to learn to be a hacker, this video is for you. It's not easy, and will take a lot of dedication and patience, but you can definitely do it. These are the steps that every new hacker must accomplish if he wants to be able to improve their hacking skills. Now, obviously this video is a joke meant to make fun of hacker stereotypes, so enjoy!
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What to Do if You Get Hacked: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P38ld3J2PPA&list=PLFr3c472Vstyzq3WECllYHH7qxOHYSdZG&index=2
How to Be Cool on the Internet: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kQiAJgNZvsA&list=PLFr3c472Vstyzq3WECllYHH7qxOHYSdZG&index=4