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Video Trick Recipes : Faux Cereal Bowl Cake 丸ごと食べられる なんちゃってシリアルボウルケーキ 牛乳に見えますが

Ca sỹ: MosoGourmet 妄想グルメ

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Using the colorful "Fruit Loops" cereal, which is hard to find in Japan, we made a faux cereal bowl that you can eat whole. The gelatin bowl was filled with no-bake cheesecake, which was made to look like milk. Be careful, you can't eat this with a spoon!
Making a gelatin bowl.
1. Get 2 bowls. Here, we used 18 cm and 15 cm bowls. Coat the inside of the 18 cm bowl and the outside of the 15 cm bowl with vegetable oil.
2. Place 35g gelatin in a microwave-safe container, and bloom it with 80ml of water.
3. Have 120ml of Mizore-flavored shaved ice syrup at room temperature.
4. Heat 2 in a microwave to dissolve. Be careful not to let the mixture come to boil (about 1 - 1.5 minutes in 600w microwave).
5. Gradually add 3 to 4 while mixing.
6. Gradually add 5 to a container with 200ml of room temperature water, mix.
7. Pour 6 into the 18 cm bowl prepared in step 1.
8. Submerge 15 cm bowl in 7, and secure it with a tape.
9. Chill in a refrigerator to solidify for 30 minutes to 1 hour.
10. Dip 9 in warm water for a short period of time, and carefully remove solidified gelatin from the 18 cm bowl.
11. Place a strip of parchment paper in the 18 cm bowl to make it easier to take it out later.
12. Gently replace the gelatin bowl from 10 back into 11, and remove the 15 cm bowl. Keep it in a refrigerator.

Making a no-bake cheesecake.
13. Add 8 g of gelatin in 45 g of water to bloom.
14. Beat the cream cheese, either at room temperature or softened by microwaving for 30 seconds, until smooth.
15. Add 70g sugar, mix.
16. Add 200ml whipping cream, mix.
17. Add 30g lemon juice, mix.
18. Heat 13 in a microwave for 30 seconds, and lightly mix to dissolve completely.
19. Add 18 to 17, and mix.
20. Pour 19 to 12 at once.
21. Insert a spoon, and top with your favorite cereal.
22. Chill in a refrigerator for 2-3 hours.
23. Finished! When you cut into the cake, the bowl will disintegrate in all directions. Be careful!

日本では手に入れにくいカラフルな“FROOT LOOPS” を使って、ボウルごと食べられる、なんちゃってシリアルボウル作りました。ゼリーで作ったボウルの中には牛乳に見立てたレアチーズケーキを入れてみました。スプーンは食べられないのでご注意ください。

2.耐熱容器にゼラチン 35gを入れ、80mlの水でしとらせておく。
3.常温のみぞれ味のかき氷シロップ 120mlを準備する。
6.常温の水 200mlに5を少しずつ入れ、混ぜる。

13.水 45gに粉ゼラチン 8gをふり入れて、ふやかしておく。
15.砂糖 70gを入れ、混ぜる。
16.生クリーム 200mlを加え、混ぜる。
17.レモン汁 30gを加え混ぜる。

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