Jack and Jill Nursery Rhyme: Teach your child to be persistent
Perseverance is continuous effort, and it means going after what you want and look for solutions in spite of the obstacles and problems that might come up along the way. This is a fundamental value that needs to be taught to children from an early age because their future achievements will depend on it.
However, teaching persistence to a child can be tricky, specially to children below 5 years old, because it’s quite an abstract concept. This is where nursery rhymes such as Jack and Jill can be of great help.
Skip ahead to your favorite children’s rhymes-
0:10 Jack and Jill 3:25 Traffic Light 6:05 Brush Your Teeth 9:23 After A Bath 10:40 Humpty Dumpty 12:36 An Apple A Day 14:21 Piggy On The Railway Line 16:26 Chubby Cheeks 18:21 Three Little Kittens 22:22 Five Little Monkeys 24:55 Blue Whale 28:09 Three Little Fishes 30:54 Five Little Speckled Frogs 33:53 Mary Had a Little Lamb 36:12 ABC Song 39:00 Ants Go Marching 43:20 Tingalayo 46:25 Yankee Doodle 48:36 Incy Wincy Spider 50:20 Ringa Ringa Roses 52:35 Row Row Row Your Boat 54:40 Hickory Dickory Dock 58:30 Five Little Ducks 1:00:55 Twinkle Twinkle Little Star 1:03:27 The Wheels on the bus 1:06:28 Old MacDonald Had a Farm 1:09:30 Jingle Bell 1:11:48 Baa Baa Black Sheep 1:14:25 Finger Family 1:17:53 If You're Happy 1:21:15 I'm a Little Teapot
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